Tuition Fees: $75 Registration Fee; $115 Supply Fee;
Daily tuition rates are $35 and monthly tuition fees will be an average of total days/9 months.
Everyone loves on the babies at Jenkins! During this special first year of a baby’s life, they are learning and developing new skills at a rapid pace. In this class, the babies will have their personal needs met; diapering, feeding, sleeping, comforting; but they will also have their developmental needs met. Their daily activities will include reading, singing, dancing, bubbles, happy play and tummy time. All activities are excellent for developing physical, social and emotional, and language skills, co-ordination and awareness of the world around them. We encourage and teach simple signs – more, eat, stop, etc. The children will participate in music, chapel, theme days and special events; just like the “big kids.”
Children in this class must turn 6 months on or before August 15th. Class size is typically 8 children with two teachers.
Jenkins Day School Babies Program
Jenkins Day School Babies Program
Toddler's and 2's
Toddlers are BUSY! They are on the move, exploring new things and learning through play. They are curious creatures, and we want to foster that love of learning new things. Our toddlers will be welcomed at Jenkins in a warm and loving environment; with lots of hugs and cuddles. Their day will consist of morning free-play, crafts, reading, gym-play, music, chapel, naptime, and outdoor recess. Our twos will be working on beginning coloring skills, identifying colors, social/ interpersonal skills, and motor skills through the use of various age appropriate manipulatives.
There are three Toddler classes, consisting of children ages 18 months through 2 years. Class size is typically 8 children with one to two teachers. Children are not required to be potty trained and will nap in this class.
Preschool 3's and 4's​
The preschool years are often called the “Wonder Years.” These children are developing basic life skills, independence and fostering friendships. And they are ready for a more structured learning environment. In our preschool classes, our students will begin the following: scissors skills, verbal and written spelling of first name, upper case letter recognition, begin upper case only handwriting using Handwriting Without Tears curriculum, number recognition (1-10), beginning math skills (counting, sorting, simple patterns, etc.), spatial concepts (opposites, time, position, etc.), listen to and follow 2 step directions and use words to express needs and wants. In addition to the ABC’s and 123’s, your child will learn to nurture friendships, work out differences, and make the right decisions and choices. Their daily schedule will consist of free play, circle time, table time, crafts, music, chapel, gym play, and outdoor recess.
There are, at most, four preschool classes consisting of 8 children, one teacher and one assistant. Children in this class must turn 3 on or before August 15th. They are required to be in the process of potty training and must be able to ask to use the restroom. Diapers are not allowed, but pull-ups are acceptable, if they are used for toilet training purposes only. We highly encourage the child to be fully independent in these skills by 3 years 6 months. The children will not nap in this class.
Our Pre-K program is specifically designed for those children who will enter Kindergarten the following school year. We strive to prepare your child to work and think independently so that they can confidently tackle the demands of Kindergarten.
The Pre-K day will begin with morning work and free play. The children will participate in large group circle time and small group centers; consisting of letter of the day using Frog Street Press curriculum, handwriting using Handwriting Without Tears curriculum, math using Math Their Way, crafts, and journaling. They will participate in music and chapel weekly and have fun at gym play and outdoor recess.
Academic expectations will include: Enhanced scissor skills; writing first name using upper case for first letter and rest of name in lower case; recognize and begin to write last name; letter recognition of both upper and lower case letters (includes the ability to write the letters); memorization of birthday, phone number and address; story sequencing; number recognition up to 20; writing numbers up to 10; and advancement of counting skills and pre-math skills (counting sets, more/less, grouping sets, copy and create more complex patterns).
Our Pre-K staff have many years of experience teaching in the elementary classroom and are excited to give your child their first glimpse into “big kid school.”
There are, at most, four PreK classes with no more than 8 students and one teacher. Children must turn four on or before August 15th and MUST be potty trained. There is no nap time in this class.